Fire Rescue Fitness: Fire Rescue Workouts

Fire Rescue Fitness: Fire Rescue Workouts

The ultimate online fitness resource for Firefighters, EMT’s and Paramedics. We will help you get and stay Fit for Duty.

Sign up for my FREE reports" The 10 Best Exercises for Fire Rescue Athletes " and" The 5 Worst Exercises for Firefighters"and you’ll also receive effective workouts to keep you "Fit for Duty."

Every year around September 11th I like to take a moment and reflect on the significance of the day and honor those that sacrificed (and con…

I recently completed a FREE report of the "10 Best Exercises for Firefighters." You can get a copy of all 10 exercises for FRE…

Are you still warming up before your workout by jogging or biking or maybe not at all? Each one of your workouts should start with specif…

I’ve had a lot of requests for workout options that can be performed at the station with minimal equipment. Here is an option I created…

Its been very well do ented that the leading cause of firefighter-on-duty deaths is related to heart disease. Therefore any information r…

I’ve been a Personal Fitness Trainer for over 15 years and a Firefighter for almost 10. I have a p ion for both and combined them to create effective fitness solutions for Firefighters, EMTs and Paramedics. Please comeback to this site often to discover cutting edge fitness strategies, tactics, and ideas for getting into the shape of your life without wasting your valuable time, money and efforts. Go to store

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