Jonah wasn’t considered big or strong, nor did he command the attention of the opposite .
You see, Jonah was mostly weak and bony… And yet still lacked abs somehow. He was an average height child, with average brown hair, pale white skin and crooked teeth. To make it worse, Jonah had big gl es due to his poor vision and braces due to his misaligned snaggle teeth.
Fortunately for Jonah, things got a little better as he grew older—his braces came off and he traded in his large gl es for contacts. But he still had to deal with the average height, overly pale skin and malnourished looking body. Well, that was until something happened…
One day in a metal shop cl , a young girl approached Jonah and complimented him in a way that he had never considered himself worthy of. While he was working, the young girl came up and asked him if he would help her carry some sheets of metal? Jonah obliged. But while walking a thought crept into his mind. He turned to the girl and asked politely, “why did you ask me? Of all of the guys in cl , why didn’t you ask them?“
The young girl smiled and said politely, “because you look tough and I’m sure you are strong enough. I simply figured you were one of the few who could handle the job.” Surprised by the response, Jonah flexed and picked up the sheet metal with his brand new self-esteem.
Jonah was wearing a thick long sleeve shirt and jacket that made him look bigger than he was. Plus the metal shop was always dark and dimly lit. Jonah knew he was not strong. In fact, he knew that he was skinny and for the most part, pretty fragile. But he also knew something else now…
After that, Jonah got to work. He began studying the workouts of numerous pros and major fitness models—even bodybuilders in an effort to see what was working and what was just hype. He asked questions and took numerous strength and conditioning courses all in an effort to maximize his new Discovery.
Jonah uncovered a way to seemingly shortcut his way to success and later went on to become a professional male fitness model working for numerous high profile companies such as Dolce & Gabana Gym Wear and Levi’s Bodywear. Furthermore, Jonah went on to be, and remains still, the longest standing fit model for Under Armour.
That’s right, the same Jonah from the story. Over the years, I have taught fitness to countless individuals and used fitness to acquire numerous advantages myself. I used fitness to model all over the world including extreme destinations such as: Beijing during the 2008 Olympics, Hong Kong and Japan!
But this is not a blueprint on how to be a successful fitness model—Unless you want to—but rather a Blueprint on How To Look Exactly Like One!
That’s what this Blueprint is going to do for you, help you build A Fitness Model Body of your own!
Stop with me for one second. I need you to understand one thing… I need you to understand that You. Can. Do. This. You have exactly what it takes. You see, so many students feel as though they somehow fall short of the requirements necessary to make their dreams happen. You have everything you need and more to make this happen. And I have everything else.
This is the beginning of your story. It starts here and ends with you owning your own incredible fitness model body. This is only the beginning. I will take it from here on your behalf. All I need you to do is hang in there with me. I will lead you to the water hole.
I am excited to show you How to Train and Look Exactly Like a Fitness Model as I have for so many others.
That is why you see men in the gym who have been at it for years and still look either “skinny fat” or strong but overweight and soft. They go to the gym, follow the same weekly routine, and all to seemingly check it off their list. Having little growth to show for it!
Next time you go to the gym, glance around, and notice all of the men who seem to be doing the same exact workouts week after week and look the same year after year.
Furthermore, Billions of dollars are spent each year by wishful men on supplements and muscle enhancers, looking to discover some hidden secret to muscle gain. (I’ll tell you right now, there are no secrets). Years of gym fees, trainers, and loads of supplements for not a lot to show is costly and…
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